Green power is a subcategory of renewable energy that represents the use of resources and technologies that provide the most benefit to the environment. It is defined as electricity produced from renewable energy sources such as wind, biogas, geothermal, and hydro.
Besides that, renewable electricity needs to go above and beyond the national requirement before it can qualify as green power. People usually obtain green power because of its benefits in reducing one’s carbon footprint along with its zero-emissions profile.
At Connected Solar Gippsland, we provide residents solar installation solutions that are beneficial to the environment.
This blog will talk more about the GreenPower program, how you can sign up for it, and whether or not it’s a better alternative than going solar.
What is the GreenPower Program?

The GreenPower program is a scheme managed by the Australian government to allow households and businesses to leverage renewable energy from their local electricity company. This program is an ideal solution for the following:
- Those who are renting but want to switch to using renewable energy
- People looking to reduce their emissions without installing a solar PV system
Once you’ve decided to acquire GreenPower, you’re making a commitment to your electricity retailer to purchase the equivalent amount of renewable energy from a range of sources. Choosing GreenPower essentially means allowing electricity companies to supply your home with renewable-powered electricity.
How Do I Get GreenPower?

To get GreenPower, you’ll need to contact your current electricity provider to opt-in to the program. The government also has a list of accredited GreenPower providers that you can apply with today.
When signing up, you have the option of going fully renewable or choosing a specific percentage of your power that will come from green energy. There are almost half a million households and businesses in Australia that contribute to the GreenPower program at this time.
Should I Go Solar or Get GreenPower?

Going either ground-mounted solar or the GreenPower program route will pretty much result in the same thing. However, there are some important differences that separate the two.
Green Power vs Solar

In terms of environmental benefits, the GreenPower program supports renewable energy production by way of a certificate market. It displaces electricity production from fossil fuels for up to 100% of the energy you consume. Meanwhile, going solar means that you can generate sufficient energy to offset fossil fuel generation, whether you plan to use it for your home or send it to the grid.
The GreenPower program requires users to have certificates to use as a form of currency for their renewable energy. The problem here is that it doesn’t support generation in real-time, and people have no way of knowing the origin of the renewable energy they are getting.
On the other hand, renewable energy obtained from solar panels is produced on rooftops whenever the sun is shining. A monitoring app will allow owners to easily access real-time data to learn about their energy production.
Finally, signing up for the GreenPower program may result in a significantly higher energy bill for the account. Choosing a solar PV system will require an upfront payment, which can be high for most homeowners. The good news is that the system will continue to function and generate energy savings for a home or business for more than 25 years. The same is true with off grid solar systems.